OoPs. I mEaNt MaY i BeCoMe YoUr FrIeNd, FeLlOw PiXeL hUnTeR?
Joined on 11/10/04
OoPs. I mEaNt MaY i BeCoMe YoUr FrIeNd, FeLlOw PiXeL hUnTeR?
aBSoLutELy, mY FriEnD.
iT wiLL Be a trIUMpH.
I nEeD mY mOtHeRbOaRd UpGrAdEd.
I LiKe YoUr SiGgY
Oh hi, I really like your BBS sig, I need someone to make one similar for me, with a different anime/cartoon character, because I'm too lazy to do it myself.
tHaNK yoU FoR yOUr wONdERfuL coMPliMENtS.
I WoUlD LiKe tO BeCoMe yOuR FrIeNd bUt i cAn'T TaLk lIkE ThIs AlL ThE TiMe sO CaN I JuSt tAlK LiKe tHiS:
I would like to become your friend but I can't talk like that all the time.
nO nEeD TO, my NEw fRieND. iN aLL SeRIoUsNEsS, i WaS suPpOSeD tO Be tHe oNLy oNe TO tALk LiKE tHIs.
keep our comments evil please? ok.
( i plan on spamming in druggies blogs)(im the druggie slayer!)
dRUgGiE? I Am aFRaiD i dOnT QUiTe foLLoW, fRiENd.
Do YoU AcTuALLY LikE BeTty CuZ i HaTe HiM
nOt ReALLy, No.
i AaAm reALly COnFuseD rIGHt n0w. wHaT'S THis abOUt???
HeLLo CryOGeNChAOs. mY NAMe iS BLacK OPs. I HaVE hEARd GooD thIngS AbOut You. I CAme HerE FOR SoME dELicIOUs CakE. I dEciDed To IGNoRe tHe FoOLs wHo FeLt that ThE CaKE Was A LiE. THeY KnOW NotHing AboUT RIsK AnD rEwaRd. HoW Can i Be oF sErVice tO yOu, CryOGeNChAOs?
yoUR fRiENDsHiP iS EnOUgh, fRIenD.
wOuLD YoU LiKe SOmE pAvLoVA, FriEND?
*twitch* the... the cake.. it's a lie... I know it... your propoganda doesn't fool ME!!!!!! *twitch*
May i become your friend, fellow pixel hunter?