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    "Stupid Hands" is a real condition

    Posted by CryogenChaos - July 2nd, 2008

    I should know, I've got it.

    For those of you who don't watch Futurama religiously, allow me to explain: In the last episode of Futurama, Fry tries to learn an instrument called the Holophoner to impress Leela, but no matter how hard he tries he just can't do it. After awhile, he goes down to Robot Hell to make a deal with the Robot Devil. It is there that the Robot Devil tells him that he will never be able to become good at anything because he has what his old music teacher calls "Stupid Hands".

    And that's a real condition.

    Stupid Hands is when you have great ideas and see amazing things in your head, but no matter how hard you try you can't do anything to make them real. Stupid Hands is not to be confused with just not trying, as the difference between the two is that people with Stupid Hands actually want to make their ideas real and work hard to do so, while people who just don't try don't do anything to make their ideas real.

    I can't even begin to tell you all how many times i've had a great idea that I really want to come to fruition, and every time I try to make it happen I can't do anything. I have great game ideas, and yet every time I try to learn programming, I end up being unable to understand even the most basic commands. I have great animation ideas, but the only thing I can draw on paper is stick figures. I've bought books on how to draw better, but after months of practicing, I can still only draw slightly better stick figures.

    Of course, the seemingly simple way to bypass this is to ask for help from either one of your friends or someone you're going to pay (or both). However, if any of you have ever had friends, you know that they will never, ever, ever help you if the only thing you have is an idea. That's basically saying, "Do all the work for me so I get all the credit". As for finding someone to pay, they will work for you, but there trouble with that is that since you can't contribute anything of your own, it's not your creation so much as it is theirs. It may have been your idea, but you did nothing to make it happen, therefore you forfeit all rights to it when it's finished. Also, you'd need to pay them, and generally that takes quite a bit of money if you've got a big project in mind.

    So, Stupid Hands. I don't know if there are any other people who have a similar affliction, but if you do, then you know how horrible it really is. Stupid Hands is pretty much a giant "fuck you" from whatever higher powers there are.

    And that's my spiel. Thanks for listening.


    I know I have a mild case of Stupid Hands. ;-;

    It's terrible, isn't it?

    Many many great ideas pass through my head, and although I can bring a few at least partially to life, I can never actually do it.

    I have this terrible affliction... Its terribly terrible. But how is that your Play?

    How is it my what?

    My play? Do you mean plague?

    Spiel, German for "Play". I have never understood that phrase since I learned the Deutsch Language...


    The word "spiel" seemed appropriate. It probably isn't, but i'm not really interested in changing it.

    Thanks for clearing that up, though.

    I know what you mean man. I have a lot of bitchin' flash ideas, but after half a year, lots of practice, and a bunch of tutorials, I still couldn't master even tweening. It's pathetic. I'm also pretty good at the guitar, and I can think of something awesome in my head, but I can't physically play it. Sometimes I can't say stuff right either. I feel your pain.

    A toast to those whose minds are too much better than their hands.

    That sounds like me.
    I have great ideas for stuff, but I could never ever get it right.
    Mostly videos.

    I've seen that episode. It was pretty good.

    I feel like i have stupid hands, although i have half stupid hands. I feel for ya, man.

    I like your sig.Hawt.